Timekeeping During Races
At the Brighton Sailing Club, we use SailRace.App to time the races on Sundays.
Thank you so much to the developer Tim Cutsforth, your app is such a game changer for the club! ​
Timekeeper Checklist
Safety First: count the nubmer of boats who have gone into the water to make sure it matches the number of boats on the sign-on sheet.
Press the start Sequence on the tablet at the same time as the OOD press the Greenlight for the race light sequence
during the race
Safety first: be aware of all boats, capsizes and drifting, notify OOD and/or Rescue Boat, count the number of boats at regular intervals
Race data: capture lap times on the Racehut tablet ​
Safety first: Count the number of boats who might have returned and those continuing to race/
Tally the competitors from the last race and start the light sequence again
the finish
Finish the Race 1 and 2 in coordination with OOD both on the Racehut tablet and the racelight sequence.
Switch off race lights.
after the finish
Safety first: Help returning boats and packing up the race hut.
Check all boats who signed-in as well as potential boats who went without signing in returned.
after the finish
Check the race results for any discrepencies
Puhlish results on the cloud and WhatsApp.
Timekeeper Tutorial
Instructions for race participants
On the day of the race
Provide your sail number and class to the time keeper ​
For security reasons, you will need to sign-in on a paper form and also sign-out when you have completed the race. If you do not do this, you will be disqualified.
Seeing your results
​Live results of the races are available here
Or via the SailRace race results app available on Android and iOS.
Setup by adding the club ID: I521jazjYNSera32DZFQ
Race results are later uploaded on Sail Wave to have the results aggregated for the series.